Zain Bhikha: Seerah Song
Full Lyrics
Wow! An entire song dedicated to the Seerah. The Seerah Song is educational, emotional and soothing.
Before the song’s release, Zain Bhikha posted the following statement on his Instagram page, giving us a clue as to how big the Seerah song would be:
It’s been many years in the making and we’re finally ready to share a sneak peak with you!
Zain Bhikha
The author is Shaikh Abdullah Misra, the song is sung by Zain Bhikha.
Initial release of the Seerah Song had it split into many different parts, these came out towards the end of Ramadan 2021, while the full song released just after Eid Ul-Fitr in one part.
But what does Seerah mean?
Definition of Seerah:
As-Seerah an-Nabawiyyah (commonly shortened to Sīrah, and translated as prophetic biography, are the traditional Muslim biographies of Muhammad from which, in addition to the Quran and Hadiths, most historical information about his life and the early period of Islam is derived.
The 25 minute song is about the biography of the prophet.
Let’s take a look at the video and lyrics, before analysing the meaning behind the Seerah Song Nasheed.
Seerah Song Music Video
Analysis of the Seerah Song Lyrics
The Seerah song brakes down into the following parts. Let’s discuss each part in more detail.
- The Age of Ignorance
- The Noble Birth
- His Lineage
- Infancy and Youth
- Commissioning of Prophethood
- The Call to Islam
- The Early Meccan Period
- The Late Meccan Period
- The Great Migration (Hijra)
- The Medinan Period
- The Conquest Of Mecca
- The Farewell Hajj & Final Illness
- Longing For The Prophet (Peace And Blessings Be Upon Him)
- Judgement Day And Beyond
- Praise For The Prophet
1. The Age Of Ignorance
It had been 600 years since the earth had seen a guide
From the time of the messiah who had not been crucified
But before he was raised up to bani’ Israel he said
After me will come a messenger whose name will be Ahmed
In the centuries that followed humankind had gone astray
From the message of the prophets and the pure and natural way
They had turned to man-made idols filled with ignorance and pride
Taking Gods besides Allah so that his oneness was denied
Let’s analyse the song lyrics to section one, the age of ignorance.
Before Islam, the people of Mecca would perform Hajj, gather around the Kaaba and worship a God they called Allah.
Sounds good right?… Wrong
Their Hajj was not the same as the one we perform today, their Kaaba was full of idols and while they believed in Allah they thought of him as a God of all Gods, rather than the one true God.
In short, the way they practised their faith was far from the original teachings of the previous prophets, such as Jesus, Moses and Ibrahim (Peace be upon them).
References to Quran
Zain Bhikha makes reference to the Messiah (Jesus) as one who had not been crucified. A direct reference to the Quran:
And for their saying, “Surely we killed the Masih, Isa son of Maryam, (The Messiah, Jesus son of Mary) the Messenger of Allah.” And in no way did they kill him, and in no way did they crucify him, but a resemblance of him was presented to them (i.e. the matter was made obscure for them through mutual resemblance)…
(Quran 4:157)
He also mentions that Jesus prophesied the coming of the Prophet Ahmed (short for Muhammed). The coming of the Prophet Muhammed is mentioned in the Bible in many places, such as the Book of John.
“There is so much more I want to tell you, but you can’t bear it now. But when he, the Spirit of truth, comes, he will guide you into all the truth. He will not speak on his own; he‘ll speak only what he hears, and he will tell you what is yet to come. And He will glorify me because it is from me that he will receive what he will make known to you.
(Bible – John 16:12-14)
The Quran also recorded his statement:
Jesus, son of Mary, said, ‘Children of Israel, I am sent to you by God, confirming the Torah that came before me and bringing good news of a messenger to follow me whose name will be Ahmad.’
(Quran 61:6)
Already, the Seerah song is full of Quranic references and deep meaning. Let’s check out part two of the Seerah Song.
2. Nobel Birth of the Prophet
All the weak ones oppressed and many wrongs were seen as right
In the darkness mankind wandered till Allah would send his light
On a blessed day in springtime in the year called ‘Aam al-Fil
In the desert town of Mecca was to come the final seal
Abdullah the prophet’s father never lived to see his son
Aminah was honoured by Allah to bear the chosen one
Praised in heaven and on earth he graced the world that Monday morn
Alah’s mercy filled the universe when Muhammad was born
The prophet’s father’s name was Abdullah while his mother’s name was Amina.
Abdullah means the slave of Allah, as mentioned previously the Arabs did believe in a God named Allah however their understanding of him was incorrect. This is the reason why we find references to Allah in pre-Islamic names.
His mother Amina’s name means Peace.
In fact it is believed that some of the Hindu scriptures prophesies the coming of the final messenger by stating the names of his parents.
Here is an example:
Muhammed’s Parents in Hindu Scriptures
According to Kalki Purana, section 2, chapter 11, Kalki will be born from a woman called Sumâni and a man called Vishnubhagat. Vishnubhagat stands for the servant of Vishnu “slave of Allâh = ‘Abdullâh” (i.e. Muhammad’s father) and Sumâni stands for peace/calmness (i.e. the Arabic “Âminah” (i.e. Muhammad’s mother). The name of his father is mentioned in two other books too.
Sadly the prophet’s father passed away without having ever seen him, and his mother passed away when he was very young. Therefore the prophet Muhammed (PBUH) was raised as an orphan.
The Seerah Song then moves on to talk about the Prophet’s lineage in part three.
3. The Prophets Lineage
He was son of Abdullah, who was Abdul Muttalib’s son
Son of Hashim, then Abdu Manaf, the brave and handsome one
Then Qusay, and then Kilab, then Murrah, then Ka’b then Lu’ay
Son of Ghalib, son of Fi-hr, or Quraysh, as they would say
To Adnan, the father of the Arabs, trace his family tree
For it leads to Ibrahim, through Ismail, his progeny
So his light was passed from noble loins through home so chased and pure
Once it came into the world it would abide forevermore
If I asked you to name your Grandfather you probably could, perhaps even your great Grandfather. However, many modern day people would struggle to go beyond that point.
Do you agree?
In fact the Arabs at the time of the prophet Muhammed (pbuh) would be able to trace their lineage all the way back to Adan. They placed great emphasis on their lineage and would understand which bloodline they descended were from.
Below is an idea of the Lineage of the prophet, take some time to ponder over this large family tree from Muhammed to Adam (pbut).

Zain Bhikha manages to get through 15 of these names in this part of the Seerah Song (including Muhammed). Who would have thought a song could be so educational?
Just a thought. Many kids (and adults) know the name of at least 150 Pokemon. However there are only 147 names on this list. Perhaps we can learn the names of the Prophets and their fathers too?
4. Prophet’s Infancy and youth
As an infant, he was suckled by Halima after birth
Turned away by other wet nurses who did not know his worth
Though the best of God’s creation seemed in front of them, helpless
Still a day would come when they would turn to him in their duress
Angels bathed his heart in zamzam and replaced it in his chest
Those around him knew this blessed child was different from the rest
Raised by uncle Abu Talib after both his parents died
Though an orphan in his early years, Allah was by his side
He protected him and saved him from the evil and obscene
So trustworthy was he known to be, they called him al-Ameen
Clouds would race to shade him and the trees would bow down in respect
Those bestowed with sacred inside knew that he was the Elect
As the prayer of prophet Abraham and Jesus’ good news
He was mentioned in the scriptures of the Christians and the Jews. He was
Noblest in his lineage, in virtue, without peers
He was loved among his people till the age of 40 years
While the people worshiped many Gods he knew Allah was one
In a cave he would pray to Allah not seen by anyone
The prophet Muhammed was given to a Bedouin family who lived in the dessert at a young age, as this was thought to be healthy for the child. Hamila was the name of his wet nurse or fostered mother.
One day, the Prophet was playing with a couple boys when the angel Gabriel approached him.
Cleaning his Heart
The angel opened his chest, washed his heart and put it back together.
The prophet’s fostered family were shocked at what had happened and they sent the prophet back to his mother, who claimed that the prophet was a very special child. One of the reasons for this was because Amina had not experienced the usual problems associated with being pregnant when giving birth to Muhammed (pbuh).
Sadly his mother died when he was six years old and he was then looked after by his uncle Abu Talib.
The Cave
The prophet Muhammed (pbuh) was a good man. For example, he was known as the trustworthy, a man who never lied.
He never really believed in idol worship as the rest of his tribe did.
At night the prophet would travel to a cave known as the cave of Hira, where he would reflect on the purpose of life.

Allah had revealed former books such as the Torah (old testament) and Injeel (new testament) and in them mentioned that there would be a messenger to come later in life, who would complete the religion for mankind. Although, Muhammed himself would live the first 40 years of his life without knowledge of the task ahead.
5. Commissioning of Prophethood
Till one night, there came upon him revelation from Allah
Jibril appeared before him as his heart was filled with awe
Then enveloped by the angel he was squeezed, for breath, he fought
When the angel said recite all he replied was I cannot
On the third time he was squeezed he asked “what shall I then recite”?
And Allah’s eternal words came down, revealed to men that night
The Visit from the Angel
The song gets emotional. The drums slow down, so does the pace.
Zain Bhikha sings about the moment when the Angel spoke to Muhammed (pbuh) for the first time, in the cave of Hira.
The prophet Muhammed sat in the cave one night, and the Angel Gabriel came to him. The Angel squeezed the prophet and said ‘Iqra’ which means to read or recite.
The prophet was an illiterate man. He could not read nor write. As a result, the prophet replied ‘I cannot read’.
The Angel repeated the word Iqra again, and the same thing happened.
On the third occasion the Angel said ‘Read in the name of your lord who created you from an Alaq’. Alaq means a clot, leech like substance or something that clings. Here it is describing the human embryo in it’s early stages of development.
Read, ˹O Prophet,˺ in the Name of your Lord Who created, created humans from a clinging clot, Read! And your Lord is the Most Generous, Who taught by the pen, taught humanity what they knew not.
(Quran 96:1-5)
At this point the Seerah Song slows down and you might be misled into thinking the song has finished. However, this is not the case. Zain picks the song back up and continues singing about the life of the prophet, with part six focusing on the call to Islam.
6. The Call to Islam
As the prophet left the cave distressed for home he made a start
There he found his wife Khatijah her support consoled his heart
Jibril would come to him with revelation crystal clear
As Allah’s beloved messenger he had nothing to fear
So first quietly then openly the prophet made his call
That the people leave their pagan ways and witness one and all
That there’s no god but Allah by his will alone I speak
He alone is who we worship and from him all aid we seek
The prophet had an amazing wife, Khatijah, who supported him after hearing his story of how the Angel approached him.
The prophet did not go out and preach in public in the early years, rather he would learn about Islam through the revelation being recited to him, and inform those who were closest to him.
The last lines of this section speak the Shahada (testimony of faith), which can be found in various places in the Quran:
So know, [O Muḥammad], that there is no deity except Allah and ask forgiveness for your sin1 and for the believing men and believing women. And Allah knows of your movement and your resting place.
(Quran 47-19)
There is a big difference between the early and late Meccan period, in the prophet’s approach and instructions.
7. The Early Meccan Period
He would call the people to Allah and day and night implore
If you love Allah then follow me he’ll love you even more
Once the pagans threw some waste on him as he bowed down in prayer
They were laughing while his daughter cried but he did not despair
For Allah with those people who put all their trust in him
And the lord was with his prophet peace and blessings be on him
One by one the hearts began to turn towards the guiding light
As Islam rescued the downtrodden and gave to them their right
Though Bilal was tortured in the Sun, Sumayyah put to death
Still they held tight to their faith and they would say to their last breath
The first Quranic revelations focused on the core message of Islam.
What is the core message of Islam?
The core message of Islam is to worship God alone without any partners.
Those who followed the teachings started moving away from Idol worship and paying to God directly. But it was not easy. The non-Muslims tortured people for following Muhammed (pbuh) and some people were even killed.
As Islam grew in popularity so did the tension between the new Muslims and the Pagans.
8. The Late Meccan Period
After losing wife and uncle and the boycott of his clan
After Ta’if, where they stoned him, came a gift from Al-Rahman
As he lay asleep beside the noble Kaaba in the night
He was woken by the angel and then taken up in flight
Riding on Burak he made the journey that night called Isra
To the city of Jerusalem to Masjid Al-Aqsa
There he led the prophets in a prayer and chose milk over wine
Then ascended to the heavens for a trust with the divine
Raised beyond the seven sky so many wonderous sights he saw
Till he crossed the furthest Lote-tree for his discourse with Allah
Sent back on that very night he brought a gift for his ummah
On the next day Muslims stood with him to pray their first Salah
The prophet travelled from Mecca to Jerusalem in one night, and then ascended to the heavens where he met several other prophets and Allah – known as The Night Journey.
The Story of the Night Journey
One night, the Prophet was sleeping in the semi-circle portion of the Kaaba, when the Angel came to him and cleaned his heart once again.
Jibril presented the prophet with a horse with wings, called Barak. Barak did not fly but took large steps, each step being as far as the eye could see.
The prophet reached Masjid Al-Aqsa in Jerusalem rather quickly. All prophets were present in Jerusalem (old city) and Muhammed led them in prayer.
The prophet then proceeded to the large rock which currently sits under the Dome of the Rock. It was from here he ascended into the heavens.
The prophet travelled from the first heaven all the way to the seventh, meeting prophets on the way. Firstly, he met Adam the father of mankind. Secondly, he met Jesus and John in the second heaven. A complete list below:
Seven Heavens of the Night Journey
The prophet ascended from one heaven to the other, meeting the following prophets on the way:
- Adam
- Jesus and John
- Yusuf
- Idris
- Aaron
- Moses
- Ibrahim
Jibril escorted the Prophet towards the Lote-Tree, which is the gateway to Allah. Jibril cannot pass this point and therefore asked the prophet to proceed to Allah alone.
Receiving 50 Prayers
When the prophet returned, he descended back through the seven heavens and met Moses again along the way. Moses asked what Allah had given him, and Muhammed replied he had been given 50 prays a day.
That’s right… 50 prayers a day!
Moses told him that his people will not be able to handle it and to ask for a reduction. So the prophet went back and asked for a reduction in the number of prayers. Allah reduced the prayers but Moses said it was still too much. Therefore, the process repeated itself until the number of prayers reduced to just 5.
Look at it this way
Each of the 5 prayers are worth 10 points, bringing the total to the original 50.
So, when you struggle to pray, remember that you are actually getting 10 for the price of one.
The Seerah Song now shifts focus from Mecca to the migration to Medina.
9. The Great Migration (Hijrah)
At the time of Hajj the prophet shared Islam with every clan
When the truth spread to Medina the Quraysh devised the plan
As they hatched the plot to kill him came Allah’s divine command
For the message to continue he would have to leave his land
And then he and Abu Bakr left their cherished home on route
To Medina for the Hijrah with the pagans in pursuit
As they hid inside a cave one time a Pagen almost saw
But what do you think of two people when the third one is Allah?
With Islam spreading rapidly in Mecca, the Pagans had had enough, and devised a plan to Kill the prophet Muhammed (pbuh).
Allah commanded the Muslims to migrate from Mecca to Yathrib.
What is Yathrib?.. It’s the former name for Medina.
The Muslims left for Media with the Arabs in Pursuit. However, Allah protected the Muslims by ensuring they did not get caught.
The last line of this section is superb. It’s actually a reference to the following Hadith in which the Prophet says the same:
The Prophet ﷺ said, “What do you think O Abu Bakr of two people, whose third is Allah?”
(Sahih al-Bukhari)
10. The Medinan Period
While the people were awaiting him at last the prophet came
Light and joy filled all Medina it would never be the same
Then from joining them in brotherhood and leading them in prayer
He made peace between the neighbours teaching them with love and care
When at Badr they first met Quarysh the Angels came and fought
Then at Uhud when mistakes were made some lessons would be taught
They would fight for truth and justice while upholding chivalry
They’d show strength when they were weak when strong they would show clemency
In the battle of the trench they chose to fight defensively
At the triumph of holder they used diplomacy
So the Muslim ummah grew with every test that it survived
Till the time to liberate the town of Mecca had arrived
The Quranic verses Allah revealed in Medina are quite different to those revealed in Mecca.
Muhammed (pbuh) was now a leader. He ruled people in a land and therefore Allah’s commandments focused on bringing rules and laws for him to implement.
Previously, the Muslims could not fight. However, Allah granted permission now that the Muslims were under threat. Muslims had permission to fight in battles but under strict criteria.
Conditions for War
In brief, war is permitted:
- In self defence
- When other nations have attacked an Islamic state
- If another state is oppressing its own Muslims
and war is conducted:
- In a disciplined way so as to avoid injuring non-combatants
- With the minimum necessary force
- Without anger
- With humane treatment towards prisoners of war
- Without cutting down plants or trees unless necessary
Muhammed (pbuh) led his people in many battles, in some they were victorious while in others they did not succeed.
After living in Medina, it was time for the prophet to move back to where it all began.
11. The Conquest of Mecca
Marching into Mecca unopposed the Muslims were now strong
When the pagans saw the prophet they knew that they had been wrong
For so long they had oppressed him now they feared he would repay
But he said like prophet Yusuf there’s no blame on you today
As the idols at the Kaaba fell he said truth now appears
And the falsehood has but perished falsehood always disappears
Then the people came to truth just as the prophecy foretold
For Allah had sent Muhammad as a mercy to the world
The prophet and his now large army marched into Mecca, and conquered it.
The current inhabitants of Mecca panicked as they thought Muhammed (pbuh) would have them executed. However, that was not the case. Muhammed (pbuh) forgave them.
Mecca was now a Muslim city, and the Idols that once stood inside the Kaaba were removed.
The Farwell Hajj and Final Sermon
But the day was fast approaching that they all had thought was far
First he told all his companions that this Hajj would be his last
To adhere to all the things that he had taught them in the past
Then when seeing of a traveller these parting words he gave
When you come next year you might find just my Masjid and my grave
When the time to part came closer all the hearts were filled with fear
What will happen if he leaves us in this world there’s none more dear
In his final illness Abu Bakr led the daily prayer
From his room the prophet smiled giving one last look of care
Then as our beloved prophet lay in Aisha’s arms he spoke
God you praise and fear Allah in how you treat your servant folk
Then he gazed towards the heavens and begin to say softly
Allah huma gather me into the highest company
And with that the prophet left this world the universe shed tears
All the precious time they’d had with him had been the best of years
The prophet informed his companions that he would be performing his final Hajj.
Friday the 9th of Dhu al-Hijjah 10 AH (6 March 632), the prophet gave his farewell sermon on top of mount Arafat during Hajj.
Farwell Sermon
The last sermon was a powerful reminder of everything he had taught.
Signs he will be leaving
“O People, lend me an attentive ear, for I know not whether after this year, I shall ever be amongst you again. Therefore listen to what I am saying to you very carefully and take these words to those who could not be present here today.
General Rulings
O People, just as you regard this month, this day, this city as sacred, so regard the life and property of every Muslim as a sacred trust. Return the goods entrusted to you to their rightful owners. Hurt no one so that no one may hurt you. Remember that you will indeed meet your Lord, and that He will indeed reckon your deeds. Allah has forbidden you to take usury (interest); therefore all interest obligations shall henceforth be waived. Your capital, however, is yours to keep. You will neither inflict nor suffer any inequity. Allah has judged that there shall be no interest and that all the interest due to Abbas ibn Abdul Muttalib (the Prophet’s uncle) shall henceforth be waived…
Beware of Satan, for the safety of your religion. He has lost all hope that he will ever be able to lead you astray in big things, so beware of following him in small things.
Treatment of Women
O People, it is true that you have certain rights with regard to your women, but they also have rights over you. Remember that you have taken them as your wives only under Allah’s trust and with His permission. If they abide by your right then to them belongs the right to be fed and clothed in kindness. Do treat your women well and be kind to them for they are your partners and committed helpers. And it is your right that they do not make friends with any one of whom you do not approve, as well as never to be unchaste.
Five Pillars of Islam
“O People, listen to me in earnest, worship Allah, perform your five daily prayers (salah), fast during the month of Ramadan, and give your wealth in zakat. Perform Hajj if you can afford it.
No to Racism
All mankind is from Adam and Eve, an Arab has no superiority over a non-Arab nor a non-Arab has any superiority over an Arab; also a white has no superiority over black nor does a black have any superiority over a white, except by piety and good action.
Learn that every Muslim is a brother to every Muslim and that the Muslims constitute one brotherhood. Nothing shall be legitimate to a Muslim which belongs to a fellow Muslim unless it was given freely and willingly. Do not, therefore, do injustice to yourselves.
Judgement Day
Remember, one day you will appear before Allah and answer for your deeds. So beware, do not stray from the path of righteousness after I am gone.
Seal of the Faith
O People, no prophet or apostle will come after me and no new faith will be born. Reason well, therefore, O People, and understand words which I convey to you. I leave behind me two things, the Quran and my example, the Sunnah, and if you follow these you will never go astray.
Do Dawah
All those who listen to me shall pass on my words to others and those to others again; and may the last ones understand my words better than those who listen to me directly. Be my witness, O Allah, that I have conveyed your message to your people”.
13. Longing for the Prophet (PBUH)
How I wish i’d met the prophet to touch his soft hands with mine
Or to look upon his face from which prophetic light would shine
Or to shield him when the rocks were thrown so they’d hit me instead
But my consolation comes in what Rasool Allah had said
While my life was good for you, my death will be good for you too
I’ll be shown your deeds so when I see you sin i’ll pray for you
And he said oh people if you one day face calamity
Find your strength by thinking of the pain you felt by losing me
When he missed his brothers his companions asked then who are we
“Friends” he said my brothers never saw me yet believed in me
The song switches its focus to longing for the Prophet now that he is gone.
The lyrics place emphasises on his importance even for people living in the 21st century.
For example, Zain Bhikha makes reference to a hadith in which the prophet said that he is brothers with those who believe in him, but have never seen him (i.e. us)
Anas ibn Malik reported: The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, said, “I wish I could meet my brothers.” The Prophet’s companions said, “Are we not your brothers?” The Prophet said, “You are my companions, but my brothers are those who have faith in me although they never saw me.”
(Source: Musnad Aḥmad 12169)
14. Judgement Day and Beyond
If you long to meet the messenger then patience is the key
At the start of the hereafter you will see him finally
He will be the leader of humanity on judgment day
After all he was the messenger when Adam was still clay
When the prophets on that day were only say Nafsi Nafsi
He will plead before Allah crying my ummah ummati
He will bow and praise Allah in words no one before has said
He’ll be granted intercession as he lifts his noble head
He will beg a lot to pardon us so sinner don’t despair
He won’t take his seat in heaven till his Ummah joins him there
People will be running on the day of judgement, from one prophet to the other, asking for someone to ask Allah for their forgiveness.
Nafsi Nafsi = Myself Myself
Even the prophets will be so concerned for themselves that they will not have time to focus on others.
Each prophet will pass us onto another, until we reach Muhammed (PBUH), who will ask Allah to forgive us.
15. Praise For The Prophet
Allahhumma join us with your chosen prophet that day
When the world is resurrected with the souls in disarray
Let us gain his intercession when we take into account
Let us quench our first forever when we meet him at his fount
When a man once asked for heaven in the prophet’s company
Help me get you this he told him by prostrating frequently
If we fear that our good deeds are few and sins stacked high above
Our last hope is as he told us you’ll be with the one you love
Because loving is believing and our faith is not yet whole
Till we love him more than parent child and every single soul
In the final part of the song, Zain Bhikha places emphasis on praising the prophet Muhammed (pbuh), and meeting him in Paradise one day. Those who are lucky to meet him shall meet in a very special place.
The fountain in Jannah
We will meet him at a fountain and proceed to drink from it, after drinking from the fountain we will never be thirsty again.
Sahl ibn Sa’d reported: The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, said, “I will precede you at the Fountain. Whoever arrives at it and drinks from it, he will never feel thirst ever again. People will come to me and we will recognize each other, then a barrier will separate between us.”
(Source: Ṣaḥīḥ al-Bukhārī 7050, Ṣaḥīḥ Muslim 2290)
Zain Bhikha closes the song by encouraging us to love the prophet more than anyone else, including our own parents and children. Logically this makes sense, loving him means following him, which includes acts such as being good to elders and children.
Anas ibn Malik reported: The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, said, “None of you have faith until I am more beloved to him than his children, his father, and all of the people.”
(Source: Ṣaḥīḥ al-Bukhārī 15, Ṣaḥīḥ Muslim 44)
The Seerah Song continues with two additional verses about praising the prophet. Full lyrics to the Seerah song below.
Seerah Song Full Lyrics
In the name of the most merciful for
Whom these words are said
We recount the noble seerah
Of his Prophet Muhammad
As Allah and all his Angels send blessings on the Nabi
Oh believers pray for peace and blessings on him faithfully
As-Salatu was-salam ‘alan-Nabi, RasuliLlah!
La ilaha ill Allah, La ilaha ill Allah
Muhammad-ur Rasul Allah, ‘alahi salaatul-Lah
The Age Of Ignorance – Read Full Analysis of this section
It had been 600 years since the earth had seen a guide
From the time of the messiah who had not been crucified
But before he was raised up to bani’ Israel he said
After me will come a messenger whose name will be Ahmed
In the centuries that followed humankind had gone astray
From the message of the prophets and the pure and natural way
They had turned to man-made idols filled with ignorance and pride
Taking Gods besides Allah so that his oneness was denied
La ilaha ill Allah, La ilaha ill Allah
Muhammad-ur Rasul Allah, ‘alahi salaatul-Lah
The Noble Birth – Read Full Analysis of this section
All the weak ones oppressed and many wrongs were seen as right
In the darkness mankind wandered till Allah would send his light
On a blessed day in springtime in the year called ‘Aam al-Fil
In the desert town of Mecca was to come the final seal
Abdullah the prophet’s father never lived to see his son
Aminah was honored by Allah to bear the chosen one
Praised in heaven and on earth he graced the world that Monday morn
Alah’s mercy filled the universe when Muhammad was born
La ilaha ill Allah, La ilaha ill Allah
Muhammad-ur Rasul Allah, ‘alahi salaatul-Lah
His Lineage – Read Full Analysis of This Section
He was son of Abdullah, who was Abdul Muttalib’s son
Son of Hashim, then Abdu Manaf, the brave and handsome one
Then Qusay, and then Kilab, then Murrah, then Ka’b then Lu’ay
Son of Ghalib, son of Fi-hr, or Quraysh, as they would say
To Adnan, the father of the Arabs, trace his family tree
For it leads to Ibrahim, through Ismail, his progeny
So his light was passed from noble loins through home so chased and pure
Once it came into the world it would abide forevermore
La ilaha ill Allah, La ilaha ill Allah
Muhammad-ur Rasul Allah, ‘alahi salaatul-Lah
Infancy and Youth – Read Full Analysis of This Section
As an infant, he was suckled by Halima after birth
Turned away by other wet nurses who did not know his worth
Though the best of God’s creation seemed in front of them, helpless
Still a day would come when they would turn to him in their duress
Angels bathed his heart in zamzam and replaced it in his chest
Those around him knew this blessed child was different from the rest
Raised by uncle Abu Talib after both his parents died
Though an orphan in his early years, Allah was by his side
He protected him and saved him from the evil and obscene
So trustworthy was he known to be, they called him al-Ameen
La ilaha ill Allah, La ilaha ill Allah
Muhammad-ur Rasul Allah, ‘alahi salaatul-Lah.
Clouds would race to shade him and the trees would bow down in respect
Those bestowed with sacred inside knew that he was the Elect
As the prayer of prophet Abraham and Jesus’ good news
He was mentioned in the scriptures of the Christians and the Jews. He was
Noblest in his lineage, in virtue, without peers
He was loved among his people till the age of 40 years
While the people worshiped many Gods he knew Allah was one
In a cave he would pray to Allah not seen by anyone
La ilaha ill Allah, La ilaha ill Allah
Muhammad-ur Rasul Allah, ‘alahi salaatul-Lah
Commissioning of Prophethood – Read Full Analysis of This Section
Till one night, there came upon him revelation from Allah
Jilril appeared before him as his heart was filled with awe
Then enveloped by the angel he was squeezed, for breath, he fought
When the angel said recite all he replied was I cannot
On the third time he was squeezed he asked “what shall I then recite”?
And Allah’s eternal words came down, revealed to men that night
La ilaha ill Allah, La ilaha ill Allah
Muhammad-ur Rasul Allah, ‘alahi salaatul-Lah
The Call to Islam – Read Full Analysis of This Section
As the prophet left the cave distressed for home he made a start
There he found his wife Khatijah her support consoled his heart
Jibril would come to him with revelation crystal clear
As Allah’s beloved messenger he had nothing to fear
So first quietly then openly the prophet made his call
That the people leave their pagan ways and witness one and all
That there’s no god but Allah by his will alone I speak
He alone is who we worship and from him all aid we seek
La ilaha ill Allah, La ilaha ill Allah
Muhammad-ur Rasul Allah, ‘alahi salaatul-Lah
The Early Meccan Period – Read Full Analysis of This Section
He would call the people to Allah and day and night implore
If you love Allah then follow me he’ll love you even more
Once the pagans threw some waste on him as he bowed down in prayer
They were laughing while his daughter cried but he did not despair
For Allah with those people who put all their trust in him
And the lord was with his prophet peace and blessings be on him
One by one the hearts began to turn towards the guiding light
As islam rescued the downtrodden and gave to them their right
Though Bilal was tortured in the Sun, Sumayyah put to death
Still they held tight to their faith and they would say to their last breath
La ilaha ill Allah, La ilaha ill Allah
Muhammad-ur Rasul Allah, ‘alahi salaatul-Lah
Late Meccan Period – Read Full Analysis of This Section
After losing wife and uncle and the boycott of his clan
After Ta’if, where they stoned him, came a gift from Al-Rahman
As he lay asleep beside the noble Kaaba in the night
He was woken by the angel and then taken up in flight
Riding on burak he made the journey that night called Isra
To the city of jerusalem to Masjid Al-Aqsa
There he led the prophets in a prayer and chose milk over wine
Then ascended to the heavens for a trust with the divine
Raised beyond the seven sky so many wonderous sights he saw
Till he crossed the furthest Lote-tree for his discourse with Allah
Sent back on that very night he brought a gift for his ummah
On the next day Muslims stood with him to pray their first Salah
La ilaha ill Allah, La ilaha ill Allah
Muhammad-ur Rasul Allah, ‘alahi salaatul-Lah
The Great Migration (Hijrah) – Read Full Analysis on This Section
At the time of Hajj the prophet shared Islam with every clan
When the truth spread to Medina the Quraysh devised the plan
As they hatched the plot to kill him came Allah’s divine command
For the message to continue he would have to leave his land
And then he and Abu Bakr left their cherished home on route
To Medina for the Hijrah with the pagans in pursuit
As they hid inside a cave one time a Pagen almost saw
But what do you think of two people when the third one is Allah?
La ilaha ill Allah, La ilaha ill Allah
Muhammad-ur Rasul Allah, ‘alahi salaatul-Lah
The Medinan Period – Read Full Analysis of This Section
While the people were awaiting him at last the prophet came
Light and joy filled all Medina it would never be the same
Then from joining them in brotherhood and leading them in prayer
He made peace between the neighbours teaching them with love and care
When at Badr they first met Quarysh the Angels came and fought
Then at Uhud when mistakes were made some lessons would be taught
They would fight for truth and justice while upholding chivalry
They’d show strength when they were weak when strong they would show clemency
In the battle of the trench they chose to fight defensively
At the triumph of holder they used diplomacy
So the Muslim ummah grew with every test that it survived
Till the time to liberate the town of Mecca had arrived
La ilaha ill Allah, La ilaha ill Allah
Muhammad-ur Rasul Allah, ‘alahi salaatul-Lah
The Conquest of Mecca – Read Full Analysis of This Section
Marching into Mecca unopposed the Muslims were now strong
When the pagans saw the prophet they knew that they had been wrong
For so long they had oppressed him now they feared he would repay
But he said like prophet Yusuf there’s no blame on you today
As the idols at the Kaaba fell he said truth now appears
And the falsehood has but perished falsehood always disappears
Then the people came to truth just as the prophecy foretold
For Allah had sent Muhammad as a mercy to the world
La ilaha ill Allah, La ilaha ill Allah
Muhammad-ur Rasul Allah, ‘alahi salaatul-Lah
The Farewell Hajj and Final Illness – Read Full Analysis of This Section
He then he went back to Medina choosing life with his Ansar
But the day was fast approaching that they all had thought was far
First he told all his companions that this Hajj would be his last
To adhere to all the things that he had taught them in the past
Then when seeing of a traveller these parting words he gave
When you come next year you might find just my Masjid and my grave
When the time to part came closer all the hearts were filled with fear
What will happen if he leaves us in this world there’s none more dear
In his final illness Abu Bakr led the daily prayer
From his room the prophet smiled giving one last look of care
Then as our beloved prophet lay in Aisha’s arms he spoke
God you praise and fear Allah in how you treat your servant folk
Then he gazed towards the heavens and begin to say softly
Allah huma gather me into the highest company
And with that the prophet left this world the universe shed tears
All the precious time they’d had with him had been the best of years
La ilaha ill Allah, La ilaha ill Allah
Muhammad-ur Rasul Allah, ‘alahi salaatul-Lah
Longing for the Prophet (PBUH) – Read Full Analysis of This Section
How I wish i’d met the prophet to touch his soft hands with mine
Or to look upon his face from which prophetic light would shine
Or to shield him when the rocks were thrown so they’d hit me instead
But my consolation comes in what Rasool Allah had said
While my life was good for you, my death will be good for you too
I’ll be shown your deeds so when I see you sin i’ll pray for you
And he said oh people if you one day face calamity
Find your strength by thinking of the pain you felt by losing me
When he missed his brothers his companions asked then who are we
“Friends” he said my brothers never saw me yet believed in me
La ilaha ill Allah, La ilaha ill Allah
Muhammad-ur Rasul Allah, ‘alahi salaatul-Lah
Judgement Day and Beyond – Read Full Analysis of This Section
If you long to meet the messenger then patience is the key
At the start of the hereafter you will see him finally
He will be the leader of humanity on judgment day
After all he was the messenger when Adam was still clay
When the prophets on that day were only say Nafsi Nafsi
He will plead before Allah crying my ummah ummati
He will bow and praise Allah in words no one before has said
He’ll be granted intercession as he lifts his noble head
He won’t beg a lot to pardon us so sinner don’t despair
He won’t take his seat in heaven till his Ummah joins him there
La ilaha ill Allah, La ilaha ill Allah
Muhammad-ur Rasul Allah, ‘alahi salaatul-Lah
Praise for the Prophet – Read Full Analysis of This Section
Allahhumma join us with your chosen prophet that day
When the world is resurrected with the souls in disarray
Let us gain his intercession when we take into account
Let us quench our first forever when we meet him at his fount
When a man once asked for heaven in the prophet’s company
Help me get you this he told him by prostrating frequently
If we fear that our good deeds are few and sins stacked high above
Our last hope is as he told us you’ll be with the one you love
Because loving is believing and our faith is not yet whole
Till we love him more than parent child and every single soul
La ilaha ill Allah, La ilaha ill Allah
Muhammad-ur Rasul Allah, ‘alahi salaatul-Lah
Such a beautiful creation mortal eyes had never seen
Nor had women given birth to one so perfect and pristine
So complete informing meaning and from Every blemish free
As if he had been created just the way he’d want to be
Best of those who ever lived or ever walked upon the earth
Sinless since the blessed day on which his mother gave him birth
He was one of bani Adam but between himself and them
Was his though mankind were stones, and as though he, ate priceless gems
La ilaha ill Allah, La ilaha ill Allah
Muhammad-ur Rasul Allah, ‘alahi salaatul-Lah
Even if he had not come with any miracle or sign
Just the sight of him would tell you that he came from the divine
Never should we think that babies was the prophet has been praised
Rather through his blessed mention it’s our words that have been raised
For Allah himself is praising when he said so perfectly
Truly you are on a station of sublime integrity
Joyous tidings to those who believed when he called to Allah
Since he was the best of prophets we became the best Ummah
La ilaha ill Allah, La ilaha ill Allah
Muhammad-ur Rasul Allah, ‘alahi salaatul-Lah
More beloved than our parents is our dear Rasool Allah
Allahhumma send your blessings on the seal of Ambiyah
Allahhumma grant us Jannah with Nabi al Mustafa
As-salattu was-salam alaika khyrun kalkillah
Final Thoughts on ‘The Seerah Song’
I love the idea behind this song as well as its execution.
The song is educational, linear, deep and has a great rhythm.
I believe children and adults around the world can learn from this song, and the song prompts them to do further reading into the aspects covered.
May Allah reward Zain Bhikha and his production team for all their hard work.
Lyrics: 10/10
Vocals: 10/10
Production: 10/10
Uniqueness: 10/10
References & Reflection: 10/10
IMH Total Rating: 50/50 – FULL MARKS!
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Jazakhallah Karia for this, I have been looking for the Lyrics to go through with my niece for the past couple of weeks. I even contacted the Seerah team via Facebook and they said it’s not ready.
This was an amazing read.