Abdel-Rahman Kouta

01 Stories From Gaza – Abdel Helped His Wife Give Birth!

Abdel-Rahman Kouta had to help his wife give birth in the middle of the war. Because, there were no ambulances available due to the war.

Here is Abdel-Rahman’s story. He is collecting funds via his Go Fund Me account, please consider helping this Ramadan.

01 Stories From Gaza - Abdel Helped His Wife Give Birth During The War!

My name is Abdel-Rahman Kouta, I am a Canadian citizen trapped at the crossing of South Gaza with my 2 young daughters and wife. I was born in Ontario but came to Gaza 6 years ago for my education. I majored in architectural studies and graduated in 2021. I delivered our second daughter during the attacks on Gaza, with the help of my mother just days before we were forcefully displaced to the south. We found out that our homes are completely demolished and there is nothing salvageable. We lost everything we had, and I don’t know how long it will take us to get to Canada and start over entirely from scratch

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