Siedd: Back To You Download | Lyrics
I challenge you to scroll through Muslim Tiktok and NOT hear ‘Back to You’ by Siedd – you probably can’t, the song is everywhere!
Because it’s a well-produced, catchy Nasheed loved by Muslims all over the world.
Furthermore, there are hidden meanings contained within it, a truly deep and relatable song.
Single or album?
‘Back to You’ is the main song on Siedd’s debut album ‘Journey‘, which released in January 2021. It has over 6 million views on Youtube since the song released, a number which is still growing.
Why is ‘Back to You’ So Good?
So, what makes this song so special? Let’s take a look at five reasons:
1. Relatable Lyrics
We all make mistakes.
‘Back to You’ is all about keeping strong and turning back to Allah after going astray.
So many of us are (or once were) far away from the Deen. Usually a single event triggers us to explore the meaning of life in more detail, and we start practising as a result.
Sometimes this is due to the death of a loved one, or simply by observing nature (which is all over the music video).
With lyrics so relatable, it’ no wonder the song is a big hit.
2. Upbeat Melody & ‘Hair Raising’
Deep lyrics are great. But, they mean nothing if the song doesn’t have a catchy tune. Because otherwise, no-one will listen.
Fans are clearly impressed with the Nasheed’s style and beat. Here is what one Youtuber had to say:
Each and every word of this Nasheed along with the voice and beats are hair raising. It seems to me as new even if I hear it for 1000 times. You are really God blessed
Astophysics Lover from the Youtube Comments
3. Instrument Free
Many Muslims feel musical instruments are not allowed in Islam and therefore avoid them.
So, one major downside when producing upbeat music is that it usually comes at the cost of adding musical instruments to the song.
Not in this case!
‘Back to You’ is actually music free. Instead, all sound is produced using human voice and hand taps.
It takes a really talented producer to make a viral song without instruments.
Learn more about Music in Islam.
4. The Chorus is a Dua
Did you know that?
The meaning of ‘Allahumma inni as’alukal-huda, wat-tuqa, wal-‘afafa, wal-ghina’ can be found in the Hadith below:
The Prophet used to Supplicate: “Oh Allah! I beseech You for guidance, piety, chastity and self-sufficiency”
(Muslim 17:1468)
5. Clean video
Mainstream music is full of inappropriate content in its music video. But, that’s not the case with Siedd’s Nasheeds.
‘Back to You’ features beauty and nature, all good things.
In fact, let’s take a look:
Back to You Music Video
Video analysis:
We can categorise the video clips into two main themes: Dark and Light (or Street life & Nature)
Perhaps the shots showing street life represent Siedd before he turned to Islam. These type of shots show Siedd reflecting in a hoodie, and are always shot a night.

While the shots in daylight are of natural things such as oceans, plants and flowers. Perhaps a representation of his new views on life after turning to Islam. Siedd can now appreciate the beauty of this world:

The video fits the song, helping the viewers reach ‘reflection mode’ while listening to the lyrics.
So, let’s take a look at the lyrics calling out any references to Quran and Hadith:
Back to You Lyrics
Lyrics: [Verse 1]
I’ve been ungrateful – 1 read analysis
For much my life
I wasn’t faithful
For all this time
I feel ashamed Lord
For the things I’ve done
Since I’ve been falling all this time
Cause I haven’t had peace in so long – 2 read analysis
And I couldn’t seem to go on
But now I can feel it through you
And I will never and ever forsake anything
And I’ll follow this path back to you – 3 read analysis
Allahumma inni as’alukal-huda,
wat-tuqa, wal-‘afafa, wal-ghina – 4 read analysis
Allahumma inni as’alukal-huda,
wat-tuqa, wal-‘afafa, wal-ghina
[Verse 2]
I lost my way Lord
Left from your side
Went chasing this world – 5 read analysis
Didn’t guard my eyes – 6 read analysis
I’ve been afraid for
The things I’ve done
So now I’m calling you this time
Cause Oh Allah, on this journey
I come running to you – 7 read analysis
Oh please put my heart at ease
Oh Allah bring me to you
Cause I’ve been falling for all my life
I’ve been waiting for you now
Cause I haven’t had peace in so long – 2 read analysis
And I couldn’t seem to go on
But now I can feel it through You
And I will never and ever forsake anything
And I’ll follow this path back to you- 3 read analysis
Allahumma inni as’alukal-huda,
wat-tuqa, wal-‘afafa, wal-ghina – 4 read analysis
Allahumma inni as’alukal-huda,
wat-tuqa, wal-‘afafa, wal-ghina
Oh Lord my heart couldn’t see all the truth of this life
I was caught in this world with a seal on my eyes
Then Allah you showed me all the truth of this life
Now I’ll follow this path, till the end of my time
Oh Cause my heart couldn’t see all the truth of this life
I was caught in this world with a seal on my eyes
Then Allah you showed me all the truth of this life
Now I’ll follow this path, till the end of my time…
Allahumma inni as’alukal-huda,
wat-tuqa, wal-‘afafa, wal-ghina
Allahumma inni as’alukal-huda,
wat-tuqa, wal-‘afafa, wal-ghina
Allahumma inni as’alukal-huda,
wat-tuqa, wal-‘afafa, wal-ghina
Lyrics Analysis
The lyrics have been numbered above, any references to Quran and Hadith have been called out below… and there’s alot in this amazing Nasheed!
1 – Grateful people get more
I’ve been ungrateful
This is the opening line of the Nasheed, and it’s powerful one.
We all tend to be ungrateful. But, the key is to recognise mistakes and make a change.
When telling the story of Moses (pbuh) in the Quran, Allah reminds us of the reward for being grateful.
“And ˹remember˺ when your Lord proclaimed, ‘If you are grateful, I will certainly give you more. But if you are ungrateful, surely My punishment is severe.’”
(Quran 14:7)
2 – No Allah = No Peace
Cause I haven’t had peace in so long
The lyrics are genius!
In the previous verse, Siedd sings about being away from the remembrance of Allah. In this verse, he sings about not having peace in so long.
The two go hand in hand, because Allah tells us it’s impossible to find peace unless we are remembering him.
“Only in remembrance of Allah (swt) will your heart find peace”
(Quran 13:28)
3 – Do you think he used ‘Path’ on purpose?
And I’ll follow this path back to you
In the song, Siedd could have used the word ‘road’ or ‘way’, however he chose path. Perhaps becasue it’s the word Allah uses in the Quran.
Let me know if you agree with this point in the comments section at the bottom.
“Guide us to the straight path”
(Quran 1:5)
4 – A Dua made by the prophet
Allahumma inni as’alukal-huda, wat-tuqa, wal-‘afafa, wal-ghina
The main hook of this song is actually a Dua made by the prophet himself, recorded in Muslim.
The Prophet used to Supplicate: “Oh Allah! I beseech You for guidance, piety, chastity and self-sufficiency”
(Muslim 17:1468)
5 – Chasing the world doesn’t just mean money
Went chasing this world
Allah tells us over and over again, not to chase the worldly life. But, rather focus on the hereafter.
The word ‘Dunya’ is used in Arabic to mean world, and has a negative connotation.
But what does chasing the word mean?
According to this verse in the Quran, chasing the world can mean going after money and land. However, it can also refer to family – we should find a balance in our time towards the religion and world.
Beautified for people is the love of that which they desire – of women and sons heaped-up sums of gold and silver fine branded horses and cattle and tilled land. That is the enjoyment of worldly life but Allah has with Him the best return.
(Quran 3:14)
6 – Lower your gaze
Didn’t guard my eyes
Allah tells men to lower their gaze, meaning do not take a second look at an attractive person walking by.

No, that doesn’t mean you can stare without blinking.
Here is the full verse for reference:
“Tell the believing men that they must lower their gazes and guard their private parts; it is more decent for them. Surely Allah is All-Aware of what they do.”
(Quran 24:30)
Interestingly, the verse addresses men however it’s the women who tend to be blamed for not covering. Both genders should play their role.
7 – If you walk to Allah he will run to you
I come running to you
Siedd tells us he’s running to Allah, which means Allah should be travelling towards him at a faster pace.
That’s according to a Hadith found in Muslim, and it’s a lovely hadith.
Abu Dharr reported: The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, said, “Allah Almighty says: Whoever comes with a good deed will have the reward of ten like it and even more. Whoever comes with an evil deed will be recompensed for one evil deed like it or he will be forgiven, Whoever draws close to me by the length of a hand, I will draw close to him by the length of an arm, Whoever draws close to me the by length of an arm, I will draw close to him by the length of a fathom. Whoever comes to me walking, I will come to him running, Whoever meets me with enough sins to fill the earth, not associating any idols with me, I will meet him with as much forgiveness.”
(Muslim 2687)
Final Thoughts on ‘Back to You’
This is the part where I give a more personal opinion of what I think of the Nasheed.
My thoughts?
Best Nasheed I have heard in a very long time!
I love the tune, meaning and thoroughly enjoyed analysing this one. The fact that it has no music opens it up to a wider audience – perfect.
Lyrics: 10/10
Vocals: 10/10
Production: 10/10
Uniqueness: 9/10
References & Reflection: 10/10
IMH Total Rating: 49/50 – One of the highest scores ever given!
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Perfect analysis of this beautiful nasheed!
I love how you gave a full overview of this track!!! It’s a beautiful and has truly deep and empowering lyrics!!! And of course it’s all vocals only and clean from swear words and vulgar language. Not forgetting to compliment Siedd’s beautiful voice mA!!!🔥🔥